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Glen Group Benefits Ltd

Last week, we emailed or wrote to all of our employees to update them on the additional benefits that we hope will be of value to them and their family, which we will introduce in the coming months.

At Glen, our aim is to continually improve our business and provide our people with support, benefits, and flexible working to retain great employees. Especially in these difficult times.

We have kept you up to date on the growth of Glen Group and in our recent News@Glen, we updated you on the acquisition of two companies, RCB and South West Janitorial.

Now with over 2000 employees across the company, we want to bring the people in the business together with the advantages of a better joined up benefits and payroll service and therefore have set up Glen Group Benefits Limited and the further development of the Glen Group APP.

Where our employees will have access to their e-payslips, P60s and real time pension information. Benefits and discounts. Our Employee Assistance Programme and the online GP.

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