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"Involvement 2024" | What Do You Think?

Last month, we introduced our Glen word of 2024 “Involvement

We want to know,  WHAT DO YOU THINK? 

Please tell us  every month your views about Glen, good and bad, so that we can do better.

Tell us about your work, our benefits, our culture, or anything else that’s on your mind, so that we can make Glen the place that you choose to work for a long time. 

Thank you to those of you who have responded and those featured will receive a £50 “Thanks for Getting Involved” each month. We have created a Survey of short questions in response to last month's feedback. Please click the button below to answer the questions and potentially win £50!


Lorraine Ricks from Salt Way Centre, Swindon said:

“I often read about the staff recognition which is very nice, however it would be nice to have this at some of the smaller contracts.

I have worked for glen at a smaller site for 8 years now and we never get any recognition or anything from the company. I would like to see a long service award.

It would be nice to be recognised in this way at the smaller sites as we do the same good work but feel we are forgotten about.”


Dina Hurdman from

Thomas Russell Junior School, Burton on Trent said:

“The safeguarding information is very good and the short videos help you remember, thanks”

Thanks to Dina for the feedback. We intend to continue making these short videos as part of our training.


Lucy Oliver Harding

Business Development Administrator said:

“As a working Mum of two, flexibility is key for me to be able to work. I am really lucky that my Manager supports this. I am not sure if it is like this for everyone and feel strongly that we should support everyone, no matter what their job role.”

From 6 April 2024 the right to request flexible working will become a "day one" right and so removing the current requirement for employees to have at least 26 weeks' service to make a flexible working request.

We are updating our flexible Working Policy, please email if you would like to get involved in ensuring the policy supports you at work.

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