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Merry Christmas from the business

Laura Barrow | Group Operations Director 

For me, having the team I have makes coming to work an absolute pleasure, we are fortunate to have dedicated people, whose hard work during the year has made the business what it is.

It’s been a progressive year, and we have had some significant achievements in our people strategy resulting in an impressive 81% employee retention.

The training suite has been further developed with e-video learning to support Health and Safety and Modern Slavery which underpins our commitment to compliance but also the growth of the individual. 

Our  focus on employee well-being, facilitated by effective communication through News @ Glen and our Glen App, remains paramount with initiatives to support such as the Employee Assistance Programme, Helping Hands, joining the Menopause Charter and Glen Group Benefits which demonstrates our dedication to creating a supportive work environment founded upon equality and diversity.

I want to also say congratulations to Paul Fowler, Mike Brian, Joanna Kwiatkowska and Jess Walker, on their well-deserved internal promotions and I’d like to extend a welcome to the colleagues that joined the Glen team in 2023. 

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to the entire team. Your collective efforts are truly appreciated and it’s your dedication and hard work that contribute to our successful service delivery for clients.

 Wishing you all the best for 2024, here’s to continued progress and success in the year ahead.

Kim Stevens | Business Improvement & Compliance Director 

It's been a busy year for Business Improvement, and we boast success and commitment to the re-certifications.

Achieving and maintaining certifications such as ISO, Safe Contractor, and CHAS, which reflects a strong dedication to quality, safety, and ethical business practices, which not only validates the quality of our processes but also hopefully enhances the company's credibility in the eyes of clients, partners, and stakeholders. 

In 2024 we will look at the importance of Certifications which will give us a competitive edge.  The addition of ISO 50001 (Energy) certification in 2024, focuses on energy management, helping businesses improve energy performance, reduce energy costs, and demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices. The fact that very few of our competitors have this certification will set Glen Group apart in the market.

Continuous Improvement

Another key objective for 2024 will be to continually update our training video’s which has started with Safeguarding. KCSIE this is a key focus with our client base, and we will endeavour to ensure we are doing everything the guidelines recommend. Modern Slavery is another hot topic, it’s a fact that there are more people in modern slavery now than when it was abolished on the 18th of December 1865. Glen Group are committed to operating our business with integrity and the highest ethical standards.  

This commitment includes due regard for the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking. We are currently updating our modern slavery Statement, Policy, and Modern Slavery Video. Carbon Footprint

This is also another edge where Glen Group wishes to grow, a ESOS report was sanctioned to see where we are, and below is a quick view of our current performance and recommendations. Current Performance

  • Glen Group’s total market-based emissions are 156.46 tCO₂e (with a location-based emissions 159.75 tCO₂e).

  • The most significant market-based emission source is company cars, accounting for 58% of Glen Group’s carbon footprint.

  • The estimated market-based error margin is a significant aspect (+/- 8.86 tCO₂e) and should be offset and be a key focus in future years.


  • Offset the GHG emissions created within this data period to maintain our carbon neutrality. 

  • When leasing/purchasing new vehicles, consider transitioning to electric vehicles (EV) and installing charging points on-site to encourage staff to switch too. 

  • Prepare for a detailed transport audit focussing on driver behaviour and new alternative fuel types. This will be conducted as part of our ESOS Phase 3 compliance. 

  • Investigate adopting an alternative fuel source such as HVO or biodiesel to power vehicles with the largest emissions. 

  • Purchase high quality or refurbished appliances from sustainable providers to reduce the embodied emissions of IT equipment. 

  • Carry out a target setting and supply chain screening to facilitate our reduction strategy and increase the scope of our assessment.

Objectives for 2024

  • Pass ESOS Phase 3 (Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme)

  • Third Party Audit of Entrust 9001,14001,45001,

  • Continued certification of all registered certificates

  • New Quality Audits for Templa CMS

And finally on behalf of the team, thank you all for all your hard work, dedication and assistance in 2023. Wishing you and your families Merry Christmas and all the best for 2024.

Robert Kennedy | Commercial Director 

Cleaning operations in 2023, the industry shifted after the pandemic. With a clear focus on sustainability, cost/ value, social value plans, community support and improvements in consistency and efficiency of standards. 

We have seen a commercial shift with clients requiring the ability to adapt the offer and provide flexible financial solutions. 

We have utilised new ways of working,  improved technology, considered our environmental awareness,  enhanced site and management health and safety knowledge  and social value planning which were our main drivers to developing successful client partnerships.

By integrating data analytics and performance tracking tools, including people attendance technology, and using equipment mapping fleet data, our Business Improvement Team can collect and analyse data to keep track of  quality audits , training, cleaning audits and client feedback , resulting in improved satisfaction. 

Touchless technologies like automatic soap dispensers, sensor operated faucets and sensor detected entry systems are now being widely used in  an effort to reduce contamination and we have supported clients as these have been implemented . 

With technology like sensors and smart dispensers collecting data on occupancy levels, air quality and resource usage, commercial cleaning services can now optimise their operations and ensure better, timely maintenance of customers' bespoke needs.

Post COVID-19,  hygiene and safety is our priority. With that in mind, we have re-evaluated cleaning protocols, enhanced cleaning, and disinfection of high touch. From the use of microfibre cleaning cloths and mops to bio-degradable cleaning agents that are non-toxic.

Cobotic cleaners can do tasks that are mundane and repetitive much more efficiently, allowing our people to focus on specialised areas. Advanced sensors and AI help them in navigating areas, avoiding obstacles and deliver better results more consistently.

Our initiatives towards a greener practice include recycling programmes and waste reduction strategies, that benefit the environment and provide better spaces for users.  

Glen offers cleaning services tailored to sectors, such as education, police, retail, office locations and distribution hubs & warehouses.  By following stringent regulations and maintaining our own service excellence processes, we ensure a clean and safe environment for both employees and customers alike and this will be our focus in 2024.

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