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September 2024 Local Heroes

Local Hero is a celebration and recognition of those who go above and beyond.

Each of the nominated local heroes receive a £50 token of our appreciation as a thank-you for everything they do.


Emily Bryant

Stacey Robinson, Supervisor at South Devon College said:

"I'd like to nominate Emily Bryant due to her help with Cornwall decants, from organising places and staff, to doing all the driving, emptying the sites and communicating with as many people as possible. All whilst trying to sort things out in her main job area. I think she has worked incredibly hard and all done with grace."


Joanna Kwiatkowska

Rob Kennedy said:

My Local Hero is Joanna Kwiatkowska who has supported some new contracts in Bristol and managed lots of new relationships and clients.

Joanna has also been heavily involved in the Burges Salmon process which has been very intense for the Bristol office."

Anderson Baroni​​​​, Regional Manager also writes:

“I am proud to have Joanna in my team“


Ruth Berkowitz

Anderson Baroni​​​​, Regional Manager writes:

"Ruth has been dealing with a lot of challenges and she has been brilliant and very professional in sorting these challenges. She is very client and team focussed - she is always willing to help her colleagues."


Agnes Lesniak

Michael James​​​​ Group Financial Controller says:

“Agnes has been fundamental to bringing the aged debt down keeping a real tight grip on our client payment terms over the last 12 months."


Fiona Lakeman | Our Lady’s & St Patrick’s Teignmouth

Jackie Barrell​​​​ writes:

"I would like to nominate Fiona Lakeman who works at Our lady’s and st Patrick’s Teignmouth for her amazing work on the hall floor. Staff at the school couldn’t get over the transformation. I feel very lucky  to have Fiona as part of team" 


Marcella Hill

Laura Burns says:

"I would like to nominate her as she has always been reliable and helpful, however the last 2 months she has gone above and beyond for me, especially as she has done this just to help us out and covered an additional 2 sites"


Diego Da Cunha Souza

Ruth Berkowitz​​​​, Service Delivery Manager says:

"Diego goes above and beyond. He will put himself forward to help cover sites at a moment’s notice and will even travel further afield to make this happen. I received an email from the client at my carpark sites that Diego has been covering for 3 weeks and the client remarked what a great job he had done; these 3 carparks are not easy sites to cover.

Recently I heard from staff at Market Street that he had helped them with the logging in and out process for Timegate, an all-round helpful employee."

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